A collection of icons used across Vercel products. Right click to copy.
- accessibility
- arrow-circle-up
- arrow-left
- arrow-right
- arrow-up
- bell
- box
- calendar
- chart-bar-middle
- chart-bar-peak
- chart-pie
- chart-trending-down
- check-circle
- check
- chevron-down-small
- chevron-down
- chevron-left
- chevron-right-small
- chevron-right
- chevron-up-small
- chevron-up
- clock-dashed
- clock
- code-bracket
- command
- copy
- cross
- cursor-click
- database
- dollar
- external-small
- external
- face-happy
- face-sad
- face-smile
- face-unhappy
- file-text
- flag
- floppy-disk
- git-branch
- globe
- grid-square
- inbox
- information-fill-small
- information
- key
- link
- loader-circle
- lock-closed-small
- lock-open-small
- logo-bitbucket-color
- logo-geist
- logo-github
- logo-gitlab
- logo-next
- logo-svelte
- logo-turborepo
- logo-v0
- logo-vercel-circle
- logo-vercel
- magnifying-glass
- markdown
- minus
- more-horizontal
- notification
- paperclip
- pencil-edit
- router
- settings-sliders
- shield-globe
- shield
- star
- status
- stop
- tabs
- theme-switch-dark
- theme-switch-light
- theme-switch-system
- user-plus
- warning
- simple-illustration